
This three page handout answers many questions specific to Menard County 4-H Programs.

TEXAS 4-H OPPORTUNITY HANDBOOK –    This annual publication from the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program highlights the projects, opportunities, experiences, and activities that both 4-H members and volunteers can participate in at the local, county, district, state, national, and international levels.   The Texas 4-H Clover is a great resource for new families to learn about the variety of offerings through 4-H, as well as county office/agents knowing who the primary contact is for questions related to the different 4-H offerings.


  •  ENROLLMENT – Menard County 4-H Membership Application Membership is open to all youth in Menard County, and anyone can join anytime during the year.  Membership is an annual event.  The 4-H year is September 1 though August 31. To become a 4-H member, you need to complete and return your 4-H membership application and the membership fee to the AgriLife Extension office.  The office is located on the second floor of the county courthouse… or call 325-396-4787 if you have additional questions
  • ENROLLMENT – Menard 4-H Leader Application FormAll adults wishing to become a 4-H adult leader in Menard County need to complete and return the application (along the $10 fee) to the AgriLife Extension office for a complete volunteer background screening and final approval.



  • RECORD KEEPING – 4-H Project Report Form –   4-Hers need to turn in this form to the county Extension office at the completion of their project.  Forms turned in prior to the county deadline will also fulfill the following 4-H requirements:   1) 4-H officer requirements to be eligible to run for a 4-H club office   2)  Project completion requirements  and eligible to receive a “4-H Award Program Pin” during the annual 4-H Award Banquet.

The following AgrilLife Extension publications can be downloaded to assist 4-H members with their 4-H projects.  Contact the County Extension Office (325-396-4787) for addition assistance with  your projects.



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